The Second Announcement

The paper evaluation process of the Third Economics History Congress, which will be organized in cooperation with İzmir Democracy University, Turkish History Association and TİTAP, has been completed and notification letters have been sent to our colleagues whose papers have been accepted.

We will afford transportation and accommodation expenses of the participants. We will afford only one person’s expenses if the paper has more than one writer, and only the owner of the paper if s/he is accompanied, the accompanying people will be responsible for their own expenses.

The presentation is 15 minutes, the discussion will take place at the end of each session. The writing rules of the paper would be the writing rules of Turkish History Institution, which can be seen below. Although there is no restriction of page numbers, it is recommended that the papers should be in a reasonable volume.

The full-text of papers must be sent to the e-mailaddress until April 1, 2019. Papers withoutfull-text will not be included in the programme.


–  Articles  must  be  written  in  the  A4  format,  in  the  MS  Word  program,  either  in  Trans Baskerville or Times New Roman font.

–  The  title  must  be  white,  in  capital  letters  and  12  font  size.  It  must  be  center-aligned.

Main, interval and sub-headings can be used in the text. Main headings will be bold, in capital letters, 10 font size, and  left aligned; sub-headings will  be  bold, 10  font size,  in small  letters and left aligned. 6 nk space should be left between the headings and the paragraphs.

–  The  name  and surname of the author shall  be written under the  main title with 12  nk space, with 10 font size, white, in capital letters and center aligned. The sign (*) shall be put in the bottom of the page with the title, address and e-mail information in 8 font size.

–  The  text  shall  be  10  font  size  and  justified.  5.8  cm  from  above,  5.8  cm  from  the bottom, 4.5 cm from left and right space shall be left. Page breaks should be 3 nk. The spaces between the paragraphs shall be 6 nk and the paragraph indent should be 0.8 cm.

–  The header-footer: the text in the header shall include the author’s name and surname in the even pages, in the odd pages, the header shall have a meaningful summary of the text in capital  letters  and  in  8  font  size.  In  the  two other  copies,  these  spaces  should  be  left  empty. The header will be 4,45 cm and the footer will be 0 cm.

–  The page numbers shall be included in the first page of the article in a way that it shall not be seen, inside the header, in 8 font size and in the left and right top of the page.

–  References  shall  be  started 1 cm  from the paragraph  indent after they exceed 5  lines, written in 1 font size inside the quotations marks. References less than 5 lines shall be given in italics inside the text. The statements needed to be emphasized shall also be italicized.

–  Footnotes shall be written in 8 font size and single space. The paragraph indent should be 1 cm and justified. There should not be any line separator for the footnotes. The references inside the text shall  be given  in the  footnotes beginning  from  number 1. Besides these, there should  be  no references  inside the text. For the  sources given  in the  footnotes, the  book and the  journal  titles  shall  be  in  italics,  the  article  names  given  inside  the  quotation  marks.  The source’s  full  imprint  shall  be  written  when  it  appears  for  the  first  time  in  the  text,  then abbreviations like a.g.e (ibid), a.g.m or a.g.t  should be used. If more than one book and article by  the  same  author  is  used,  after  the  first  usage  of  the  second  source,  the  surname  of  the author, then the full or shortened name for the book or article shall be written. In the Case of the  references  with  more  than  one  author,  all  authors  shall  be  written  at  the  first  time  and given in the shortened style afterwards.  



İsmail  Hakkı  Uzunçarşılı,  “Osmanlılarda  İlk  Vezirlere  Dair  Mütalea”,  Belleten,  c.  III/  sy.  9

[or III/9] (1939), p. 101.